Anchoring Products

(5) Offering dependable fastening solutions across a multitude of applications, our anchors are designed for strength and stability. Ideal for affixing heavy items to walls or establishing sturdy bases for structures, our anchors cater to your every requirement. Our diverse selection includes concrete anchors, wall anchors, and expansion anchors, allowing you to tailor your choice to your specific needs. /Asset/one-monroe-no-image.gif
Anchors, Belts, Hooks, Pulleys, Shafts, Springs, Toggles
(10058) Opt for our comprehensive assortment of hardware for unparalleled reliability and performance in your projects. Our product range, including anchors, belts, hooks, pulleys, shafts, springs, and toggles, ensures optimal stability for both residential and commercial applications. Rely on our high-quality offerings to elevate the efficiency and outcome of your projects, crafted to meet your diverse requirements with excellence. /Asset/ABE-Hardware-Anchors-Hooks-Toggles.jpg
Variety (Anchors, Bits, Keys, Retaining Ring)
(12) Anchors, bits, and retaining rings are key components we offer to meet various needs. Anchors secure objects to surfaces, while bits serve to cut or drill into materials. Our comprehensive catalog offers these items in an array of materials, lengths, weights, and finishes to best accommodate your application requirements. /Asset/woodruff-keys.jpg